I know how busy the A4 can be in Slough when there are two lanes available for all vehicles. There is legitimate concern that congestion is only going to worsen by implementing a full-time bus lane. Indeed, I have received reports that this has been the case since the bus lane was implemented this month.

It is also essential that Slough Borough Council act to reduce pollution and the prevalence of respiratory illnesses in the town. Slough is one of the worst areas in the country for pollution and encouraging the use of public transport is one way to decrease the amount of vehicles on our streets.

As it stands, the decision to implement the bus lane is temporary and the Council’s consultation phase has only just begun. I would encourage you to submit your comments to the Council during consultation. To ensure these are formally logged, you should send your comments to tfs@slough.gov.uk.

I have written to both the Leader and Chief Executive of Slough Borough Council, outlining the concerns that many of my constituents have expressed to me. I will update you on this matter as soon as I receive a response.

Although it’s not a matter within my direct decision making domain, it is very useful for me to understand the opinions of local residents on such matters, as it makes me more informed when liaising with and questioning Slough Borough Council.

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