
It is important that every child in every school has access to a broad and enriching education to equip them with the skills they need and provide them with adequate support for their future.

Tan Dhesi MP is regularly contacted by constituents regarding issues around education and schooling, as it is often thought that Members of Parliament are responsible for these issues, however on many occasions, this is not the case. It is important therefore to work out who is best to contact with your issue.


School Admissions

If your issue is concerning the activities of local Slough schools, such as their admissions policies or decisions, then these are most likely to be the responsibility of Slough Borough Council.

Slough Borough Council – Issues relating to school admission can be raised directly with them on their website: or by using their complaints procedure:

Alternatively, you can book an appointment with an advisor from the Council on the Slough Borough Council website: They will be able to offer you a face-to-face appointment should you need additional support.

Local Councillors – Additionally, you can raise Council related issues with your local ward councillors who are elected to decide council matters and represent you with council issues.

You can find the contact details for your local ward councillors on the Council’s website:

You can find information about school admissions on the Council’s website here:


Whilst Tan Dhesi MP is not able to intervene in Council decisions, if you are a resident of the Slough Constituency and have contacted the Council but have not received a response, Tan and his team can contact the Council on your behalf to request and update.


Special Educational Needs and Disability

If your issue is concerning the support your child receives at school, such as Education, Health and Care plans (EHCP), then this is most likely to be the responsibility of Slough Borough Council.

The details for how to contact the Council and your local ward councillors are outlined above under ‘School Admissions’.

You can find information about educational support services on the Council’s website here:


SENDIASS is a local organisation which offers information, advice and support for parents and carers of children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities.

Phone: 01753 787693




Again, whilst Tan Dhesi MP is not able to intervene in Council decisions, including the provision of their services, if you are a resident of the Slough Constituency and have contacted the Council but have not received a response, Tan and his team can contact the Council on your behalf to request and update.


Local private schools

If you have issues relating to a private school, such as around tuition fees or admission decisions, then this is likely to be considered a private dispute.

It is the job of elected officials, such as Members of Parliament, to represent you on issues of a public nature, such as the provision of public services and public policy, and therefore Tan Dhesi MP cannot assist in resolving exclusively private matters. You may wish to seek legal advice in resolving private disputes.

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